Conspiracy Theories Football
We take football conspiracies and after much research try to describe what happened and why some feel that the game was rigged, fixed, or scripted. We will try to explain both sides of the argument. Then you can decide if it's fair or foul. During the season we'll give you the information you need to make educated picks yourself. I will give my picks and the reasons for them. My purpose is to call attention to games that I think will be controversial. Calling the Conspiracy before it happens is my goal. If you have ideas, corrections, or objections you can contact us at jmcdconspiracies@yahoo.com. Disclaimer: There are many logical explanations for Bad play, coaching, officiating, and rules. The thoughts of my guests and I are our opinions, assumptions, and ideas as to why we think these things happen.
Conspiracy Theories Football
Conspiracy Theories Football. Damar Hamlin
Josh McDaniel
Season 2
Episode 1
In this episode the gloves come off and it has become necessary to unveil a hidden Conspiracy that has now been put in the spotlight and crossed over into football itself. Obviously, I am no Doctor and am giving my OPINION as to what I think is going on. Just taking common sense, adding 1+1, and completely giving an unbiased opinion. I am not Right, Left, Democrat, Republican, Pro Vacc, or Anti Vacc. Just doing research from sources with no agenda but to speak truth. Something our mainstream media is no longer doing, and it is totally legal for them to hide truth, conceal facts, and outright LIE.